Portfolio Management
Portfolio management service is for individual and corporate investors, who do not have time or sufficient information to follow the developments in financial markets. Following the assessment of client’s risk appetite, assets are invested by professional teams based on fundamental research
Each investor has different needs and expectations. Our goal in portfolio management is to deliver you a performance that beats "the benchmark" determined in line with your risk profile and your needs. For the investments to be made in capital markets to be consistent with risk-return expectations, selecting the products and goals in line with this approach and most importantly, supporting these with a good performance are important factors in selection of professional managements by investors.
Advantages of the Portfolio Management
Professional Management: Portfolio management is carried out by qualified and experienced specialists who are experts in their field.
Risk Management: Distribution of risk in investments is the essential rule. Goal of the portfolio management is to achieve the highest return possible based on distribution of the risk through investing the funds in different securities with different maturities.
Investor Specific Information: Regarding each individual or corporate account, we aim at informing our investors through reports providing detailed information, such as weekly return performance and performances of alternative investment instruments.
Custodian Services: All financial instruments used within the portfolio management service are kept at accounts opened under their own names for investors at Takas Bankası A.Ş.